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F*ck la vie d’artiste

(2W, 1M)  France, 2005: Zenab is an aspiring French-Moroccan artist, stuck giving tours of the room where Vincent Van Gogh died. When Vincent’s ghost begins to speak to her, she finds herself torn between her art and Avery, the American woman she’s fallen in love with. Meanwhile, race riots explode near Paris after two youths of color are killed in a police chase. Zenab joins the riots, easel in hand, to paint her own version of France—one that digs deeper than the postcard-perfect veneer sold to tourists. Based on the true story of Bouna Traoré, 15 and Zyed Benna, 17, whose deaths inspired weeks of sustained rioting across France, this play asks the question: what does it mean when your own country sees you as an outsider?

Workshops & Readings

Diversionary Theatre, San Diego

Eccentric Theatre Company, New York

The DC Source Festival, Washington, DC

Hunter College, New York


Jane Chambers Student Playwriting Award

Finalist / Semi-Finalist

Activate: Midwest New Play Festival

Bay Area Playwrights Festival

Princess Grace Playwriting Fellowship

Photo Credit: Walls Trimble

Site © 2023 by Georgette Kelly

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