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(5W, 2M: including 1 trans woman and 1 trans man)  What does it mean to love someone in a moment of great transition? Zoe dreams of flying—of escaping to new heights—while her wife, Grace, dreams of standing in a pulpit before a religious community that accepts her recent transition from male to female. 16-year-old Savannah dreams only of her first love, Xavier, who is coping with becoming a man. Meanwhile Xavier is haunted by the nightmares he sees staring back at him from the mirror. Ballast tells the story of two relationships between transgender and cisgender partners, exploring not only the way gender influences our relationships, but also how gender seeps into our spirituality, our dreams, and even our ability to take flight.

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Diversionary Theatre, San Diego, CA

20% Theatre Company, Minneapolis, MN


Workshops & Readings

The Source Festival, Washington, DC

terraNOVA Playwrights Group, NY

About Face, Chicago

Chicago Dramatists, Chicago



The Kilroys List

Venturous Theatre Grant

Craig Noel Award for Outstanding New Play



O'Neill Playwrights Conference

The Lark Playwrights Week

The Alliance/Kendeda National Graduate Playwriting Competition



Photo Credit: Simpatika

Site © 2023 by Georgette Kelly

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