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One Act Plays



Fragile Filigree Love

(2W) A grandmother and granddaughter who have never met grapple with dreams, jealousy, and what it means to live in the future. This play was written in response to the 2016 election for the Chicago Future is Female festival.


Skylla & Kharybdis

(2W, 1M) A monster, a whirlpool, and a hero with too many notches on his belt. An epic love triangle retold from a queer perspective, this 10-minute play asks the question: how do we become hideous in love?


Help Wanted.  Must Tolerate Dust.

(1W, 1 non-binary, 1 open gender) A magical meditation on queer generations. Local kids are hired to help clear out the house after a beloved older gay man has passed. Dust rains down, and love bubbles up.


Fresh Timber / Frozen Time

(3M, 1W) On the brink of Germany's surrender in May 1945, an elderly Chicago immigrant couple celebrate their golden wedding anniversary. An ocean away, 2 journalists hope to leave a legacy that will bridge the gap between continents.


(1-2M, 1-2W) If you had one big story to tell—say, the story of how you lost your leg—how would you tell it to your granddaughter? Or to your drinking buddy? Or to God? Triptych centers around John, a Vietnam vet who tells his big story over, and over, and over...until he is left alone at the kitchen table, trapped inside his own history.


The You You Hear

(2, open gender) As their separation approaches, a pair of almost-lovers ponder questions of love, language and identity.


Fragile Filigree Love: Theatre InspiraTO, Toronto

Fresh Timber/Frozen Time: Filament Theatre, Chicago

The You You Hear: Broken Nose’s Bechdel Fest, Chicago

Help Wanted. Must Tolerate Dust: Something Marvelous, Chicago

Skylla & Kharybdis: RedLeaf Theatre, New York



Fragile Filigree Love: Clockhouse Literary Journal, 2018

Skylla & Kharybdis: The Dionysian Magazine, Vol. 001, 2016




Photo Credit: Laura Nash

Site © 2023 by Georgette Kelly

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